Run for your Life!!!

The Walking Dead : Days Gone Bye

The Walking Dead” The Newest, Scariest, Horrifying TV Series in the television starring Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes a deputy sheriff of King County, Georgia. It’s a story of aftermath apocalypse of zombie’s, follows a small group of survivors traveling across the deserted United States in seek  for a new home away from the shuffling hordes of the undead. As the situation grows increasingly severe, the group’s desperation to survive is much getting higher, intense and also pushes them to the edge of madness. At every turn they face terrifying horrors, both from those who are dead, and from the scattered remains of a struggling human population.

In Episode One entitled “Days Gone Bye”, Sheriff’s deputy Rick Grimes wakes up in the hospital after having been shot while on duty and discovers that while he was in the hospital, something has happens which causes the bodies of the dead to reanimate and attack the living. The town he lived in is mostly deserted, with many deceased wandering the streets at night. Believing that his wife, Lori, and son, Carl, have most likely fled to safety in nearby Atlanta, he grabs a store of weapons from the locker of his police station, and sets out to find his family.

Watch “The Walking Dead” Season 1. Ep. 1, Read about the next episode.

2 responses to “The Walking Dead : Days Gone Bye

  1. Pingback: Guts « Licamaia's Blog

  2. Pingback: Rick Grimes A.K.A Andew Lincoln « Licamaia's Blog

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